Source code for google_music_proto.musicmanager.calls

import os
import subprocess
from base64 import b64encode

import audio_metadata
import pendulum
from attr import attrib, attrs

from .models import MusicManagerCall
from .pb import download_pb2, locker_pb2, upload_pb2
from .utils import generate_client_id, get_album_art, transcode_to_mp3
from ..models import Call, JSONCall

[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class ClientState(MusicManagerCall): """Get information about the state of a Google Music account. Note: This provides things like the quota for uploaded songs. Parameters: uploader_id (str): A unique ID given as a MAC address. Only one Music Manager client may use a given uploader ID. """ endpoint = 'clientstate' method = 'POST' request_type = upload_pb2.ClientStateRequest uploader_id = attrib() def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__(self.uploader_id)
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class Export(Call): """Download a song from a Google Music library. Parameters: uploader_id (str): A unique ID given as a MAC address. Only one Music Manager client may use a given uploader ID. song_id (str): A song ID. """ base_url = '' follow_redirects = True method = 'GET' uploader_id = attrib() song_id = attrib() def __attrs_post_init__(self): self._headers = {'X-Device-ID': self.uploader_id} self._params.update( {'songid': self.song_id} ) self._url = Export.base_url
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class ExportIDs(Call): """Get a listing of uploaded and purchased library tracks. Note: The track list is paged. Getting all tracks will require looping through all pages. Parameters: uploader_id (str): A unique ID given as a MAC address. Only one Music Manager client may use a given uploader ID. continuation_token (str, Optional): The token of the page to return. Default: Not sent to get first page. export_type (int, Optional): The type of tracks to return: 1 for all tracks, 2 for promotional and purchased. Default: ``1`` updated_min (int, Optional): List changes since the given Unix epoch time in microseconds. Default lists all changes. """ base_url = '' method = 'POST' request_type = download_pb2.GetTracksToExportRequest response_type = download_pb2.GetTracksToExportResponse uploader_id = attrib() continuation_token = attrib(default=None) export_type = attrib(default=1) updated_min = attrib(default=-1) def __attrs_post_init__(self): self._data = self.request_type() self._data.client_id = self.uploader_id self._data.export_type = self.export_type self._data.updated_min = self.updated_min self._headers.update( { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-google-protobuf', 'X-Device-ID': self.uploader_id, } ) self._params.update( {'version': 1} ) if self.continuation_token is not None: self._data.continuation_token = self.continuation_token self._url = ExportIDs.base_url @property def body(self): """Binary-encoded body of the HTTP request.""" return self._data.SerializeToString() if self._data else b'' @staticmethod def check_success(response_body): return response_body.status == download_pb2.GetTracksToExportResponse.OK parse_response = MusicManagerCall.parse_response
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class GetJobs(MusicManagerCall): """Get a listing of pending upload jobs. Parameters: uploader_id (str): A unique ID given as a MAC address. Only one Music Manager client may use a given uploader ID. """ endpoint = 'getjobs' method = 'POST' request_type = upload_pb2.GetJobsRequest uploader_id = attrib() def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__(self.uploader_id) @staticmethod def check_success(response): return response.get_tracks_success
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class Metadata(MusicManagerCall): """Send upload track metadata to Google Music. Parameters: uploader_id (str): A unique ID given as a MAC address. Only one Music Manager client may use a given uploader ID. tracks (list): A list of tracks in the form of :class:`locker_pb2.Track`. Use :meth:`Metadata.get_track_info` to generate locker tracks from audio files. """ endpoint = 'metadata' method = 'POST' request_type = upload_pb2.UploadMetadataRequest uploader_id = attrib() tracks = attrib() def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__(self.uploader_id) self._data.track.extend(self.tracks) # do_not_rematch seems to be ignored. # Defaults to False. for track in self._data.track: track.do_not_rematch = False
[docs] @staticmethod def get_track_info(song): """Create a locker track from an audio file. Parameters: song (os.PathLike or str or audio_metadata.Format): The path to an audio file or an instance of :class:`audio_metadata.Format`. Returns: locker_pb2.Track: A locker track of the given audio file. """ try: if isinstance(song, audio_metadata.Format): metadata = song else: metadata = audio_metadata.load(song) except audio_metadata.AudioMetadataException as e: raise ValueError(f'Could not read metadata from {song}.') from e # TODO: Some might not match (E.g. AAC, ALAC). content_type = metadata.__class__.__name__ # Fake WAVE format support. if content_type == 'WAVE': content_type = 'FLAC' elif content_type in [ 'OggOpus', 'OggVorbis', ]: content_type = 'OGG' if not hasattr(locker_pb2.Track, content_type): raise ValueError(f'{content_type} is not a supported file type.') # TODO: Can probably fill more fields. track = locker_pb2.Track() track.client_id = generate_client_id(metadata) track.original_content_type = getattr(locker_pb2.Track, content_type) track.estimated_size = metadata.filesize try: track.last_modified_timestamp = int(os.path.getmtime(metadata.filepath)) except TypeError: track.last_modified_timestamp = int(pendulum.utcnow().timestamp()) track.play_count = 0 track.client_date_added = 0 track.recent_timestamp = 0 track.rating = locker_pb2.Track.NOT_RATED bitrate = round(metadata.streaminfo.bitrate / 1000) track.original_bit_rate = bitrate track.duration_millis = int(metadata.streaminfo.duration * 1000) # If 'artist'/'album'/'title' aren't provided, # they render as "undefined" in the web interface. # Setting them to empty strings fixes this. if ( 'artist' in metadata.tags and metadata.tags.artist ): track.artist = metadata.tags.artist[0] else: track.artist = '' if ( 'album' in metadata.tags and metadata.tags.album ): track.album = metadata.tags.album[0] else: track.album = '' if ( 'title' in metadata.tags and metadata.tags.title ): track.title = metadata.tags.title[0] else: try: track.title = os.path.basename(song.filepath) except TypeError: track.title = '' if ( 'albumartist' in metadata.tags and metadata.tags.albumartist ): track.album_artist = metadata.tags.albumartist[0] if ( 'bpm' in metadata.tags and metadata.tags.bpm ): track.beats_per_minute = round(float(metadata.tags.bpm[0])) if ( 'composer' in metadata.tags and metadata.tags.composer ): track.composer = metadata.tags.composer[0] if ( 'date' in metadata.tags and ): date =[0] try: year = pendulum.parse(date).year except (pendulum.exceptions.ParserError, ValueError): pass else: track.year = year if ( 'genre' in metadata.tags and metadata.tags.genre ): track.genre = metadata.tags.genre[0] if ( 'discnumber' in metadata.tags and metadata.tags.discnumber ): disc_split = metadata.tags.discnumber[0].split('/') try: track.disc_number = int(disc_split[0]) if len(disc_split) == 2: track.total_disc_count = int(disc_split[1]) except ValueError: pass if ( 'disctotal' in metadata.tags and metadata.tags.disctotal ): try: track.total_disc_count = int(metadata.tags.disctotal[0]) except ValueError: pass if ( 'tracknumber' in metadata.tags and metadata.tags.tracknumber ): track_split = metadata.tags.tracknumber[0].split('/') try: track.track_number = int(track_split[0]) if len(track_split) == 2: track.total_track_count = int(track_split[1]) except ValueError: pass if ( 'tracktotal' in metadata.tags and metadata.tags.tracktotal ): try: track.total_track_count = int(metadata.tags.tracktotal[0]) except ValueError: pass # The track protobuf message supports an additional metadata list field. # ALBUM_ART_HASH has been observed being sent in this field so far. # Append locker_pb2.AdditionalMetadata objects to additional_metadata. # AdditionalMetadata objects consist of two fields, 'tag_name' and 'value'. additional_metadata = [] if additional_metadata: track.track_extras.additional_metadata.extend(additional_metadata) return track
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class Sample(MusicManagerCall): """Send samples of audio files to Google Music. Parameters: uploader_id (str): A unique ID given as a MAC address. Only one Music Manager client may use a given uploader ID. track_samples (list): A list of track samples in the form of :class:`upload_pb2.TrackSample`. Use :meth:`Sample.generate_sample` to generate a track sample from an audio file. """ endpoint = 'sample' method = 'POST' request_type = upload_pb2.UploadSampleRequest uploader_id = attrib() track_samples = attrib() def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__(self.uploader_id) self._data.track_sample.extend(self.track_samples) # TODO: album art documentation. # TODO: Improved album art API?
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_sample( song, track, sample_request, *, external_art=None, no_sample=False ): """Generate a track sample from an audio file. Parameters: track (locker_pb2.Track): A locker track of the audio file as created by :meth:`Metadata.get_track_info`. sample_request (upload_pb2.SignedChallengeInfo): The ``'signed_challenge_info'`` portion for the audio file from the :class:`Metadata` response. external_art(bytes, Optional): The binary data of an external album art image. If not provided, embedded album art will be used, if present. no_sample(bool, Optional): Don't generate an audio sample from song; send empty audio sample. Default: Create an audio sample using ffmpeg/avconv. """ track_sample = upload_pb2.TrackSample() track_sample.track.CopyFrom(track) track_sample.signed_challenge_info.CopyFrom(sample_request) try: if no_sample: track_sample.sample = b'' else: track_sample.sample = transcode_to_mp3( song, slice_start=sample_request.challenge_info.start_millis // 1000, slice_duration=sample_request.challenge_info.duration_millis // 1000, quality='128k', ) album_art = external_art or get_album_art(song) if album_art: album_art_image = upload_pb2.ImageUnion() album_art_image.user_album_art = album_art track_sample.user_album_art.CopyFrom(album_art_image) except (OSError, ValueError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): raise return track_sample
# TODO: Album art. # TODO: contentType for title and external. # TODO: FLAC seems to be put as 'audio/mpeg'? # TODO: XingHeaderLength. # TODO: AlbumArtLength/AlbumArtStart.
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class ScottyAgentPost(JSONCall): """Request an upload URL for a track from Google Music. Parameters: uploader_id (str): A unique ID given as a MAC address. Only one Music Manager client may use a given uploader ID. server_track_id (str): The server ID of the audio file to upload as given in the response of :class:`Metadata` or :class:`Sample`. track (locker_pb2.Track): A locker track of the audio file as created by :meth:`Metadata.get_track_info`. song (os.PathLike or str or audio_metadata.Format): The path to an audio file or an instance of :class:`audio_metadata.Format`. external_art(bytes, Optional): The binary data of an external album art image. If not provided, embedded album art will be used, if present. total_song_count (int, Optional): Total number of songs to be uploaded in this session. Default: 1 total_uploaded_count (int, Optional): Number of songs uploaded in this session. Default: 0 """ base_url = '' method = 'POST' uploader_id = attrib() server_track_id = attrib() track = attrib() song = attrib() external_art = attrib(default=None) total_song_count = attrib(default=1) total_uploaded_count = attrib(default=0) def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() inlined = { 'title': 'jumper-uploader-title-42', 'ClientId': self.track.client_id, 'ClientTotalSongCount': str(self.total_song_count), 'CurrentTotalUploadedCount': str(self.total_uploaded_count), 'CurrentUploadingTrackArtist': self.track.artist, 'CurrentUploadingTrack': self.track.title, 'ServerId': self.server_track_id, 'SyncNow': 'true', 'TrackBitRate': str(self.track.original_bit_rate), 'TrackDoNotRematch': 'false', 'UploaderId': self.uploader_id, } if not isinstance(, audio_metadata.Format): = audio_metadata.load( album_art = self.external_art or get_album_art( if album_art: inlined['AlbumArt'] = b64encode(album_art).decode() self._data.update( { 'clientId': 'Jumper Uploader', 'createSessionRequest': { 'fields': [ { 'external': { 'filename': os.path.basename(, 'name': os.path.abspath(, 'put': {}, # Size seems to be sent when uploading MP3, but not FLAC. # In fact, uploading FLAC directly fails when this is given. # Leaving it out works for everything. # 'size': self.track.estimated_size } } ] }, 'protocolVersion': '0.8', } ) for field, value in inlined.items(): self._data['createSessionRequest']['fields'].append( { 'inlined': { 'content': value, 'name': field, } } ) self._url = ScottyAgentPost.base_url
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class ScottyAgentPut(Call): """Upload a file to a Google Music library. Parameters: upload_url (str): The upload URL given by :class:`ScottyAgentPost` response. audio_file (os.PathLike or str or bytes): An audio file as :class:`os.PathLike`, a file/bytes-like object, or binary data. content_type (str): The mime type to be sent in the ContentType header field. Default: ``'audio/mpeg'`` """ method = 'PUT' upload_url = attrib() audio_file = attrib() content_type = attrib(default='audio/mpeg') def __attrs_post_init__(self): if hasattr(self.audio_file, 'read'): self._data = elif isinstance(self.audio_file, (os.PathLike, str)): with open(self.audio_file, 'rb') as f: self._data = elif isinstance(self.audio_file, bytes): self._data = self.audio_file else: raise ValueError( "'audio_file' must be os.PathLike, filepath string, a file/bytes-like object, or binary data." ) if len(self._data) >= 300 * 1024 * 1024: raise ValueError("Maximum allowed file size is 300 MiB.") self._headers.update({'ContentType': self.content_type}) self._url = self.upload_url parse_response = JSONCall.parse_response
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class UpAuth(MusicManagerCall): """Authenticate device as a Music Manager uploader. Parameters: uploader_id (str): A unique ID given as a MAC address. Only one Music Manager client may use a given uploader ID. uploader_name (str): The name given to the device in the Google Music device listing. """ endpoint = 'upauth' method = 'POST' request_type = upload_pb2.UpAuthRequest uploader_id = attrib() uploader_name = attrib() def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__(self.uploader_id) self._data.friendly_name = self.uploader_name @staticmethod def check_success(response): return ( response.HasField('auth_status') and response.auth_status == upload_pb2.UploadResponse.OK )
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class UploadState(MusicManagerCall): """Notify Google Music of the state of an upload. Parameters: uploader_id (str): A unique ID given as a MAC address. Only one Music Manager client may use a given uploader ID. state (str): Can be one of ``'START'``, ``'PAUSED'``, ``'STOPPED'``. Will be uppercased if lowercase is given. """ endpoint = 'uploadstate' method = 'POST' request_type = upload_pb2.UpdateUploadStateRequest uploader_id = attrib() state = attrib() def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__(self.uploader_id) state = self.state.upper() try: self._data.state = getattr(upload_pb2.UpdateUploadStateRequest, state) except AttributeError as e: raise ValueError from e