Source code for google_music_proto.mobileclient.calls

import calendar
import time
import uuid

from attr import attrib, attrs

from .models import (
from .types import QueryResultType, TrackRating

# TODO: Batch call schemas.

[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class ActivityRecordRealtime(MobileClientBatchCall): """Record track play and rate events. Use :meth:`play` to build track play event dicts. Use :meth:`rate` to build track rate events dicts. Parameters: events (list or dict): A list of event dicts or a single event dict. Attributes: endpoint: ``activity/recordrealtime`` method: ``POST`` """ endpoint = 'activity/recordrealtime' method = 'POST' batch_key = 'events' # TODO: termination?
[docs] @staticmethod def play(track_id, track_duration, *, play_time=None, stream_auth_id=None): """Build a track play event. Parameters: track_id (str): A track ID. track_duration (int or str): The duration of the track. play_time (int, Optional): The amount of time user played the track in seconds. Default: ``track_duration`` stream_auth_id (str, Optional): The stream auth ID from a stream call's headers. Returns: dict: An event dict. """ event_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) timestamp = int(time.time()) play_time = track_duration if play_time is None else play_time * 1000 if track_id.startswith('T'): track = {'metajamCompactKey': track_id} else: track = {'lockerId': track_id} return { 'createdTimestampMillis': timestamp, 'details': { 'play': { 'context': {}, 'isExplicitTrackStart': True, 'playTimeMillis': play_time, 'streamAuthId': stream_auth_id or '', 'termination': 1, 'trackDurationMillis': track_duration, 'woodstockPlayDetails': { 'isWoodstockPlay': False, } } }, 'eventId': event_id, 'trackId': track, }
[docs] @staticmethod def rate(track_id, rating): """Build a track rate event. Parameters: track_id (str): A track ID. rating (int): 0 (not rated), 1 (thumbs down), or 5 (thumbs up). Returns: dict: An event dict. """ event_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) timestamp = int(time.time()) if track_id.startswith('T'): track = {'metajamCompactKey': track_id} else: track = {'lockerId': track_id} return { 'createdTimestampMillis': timestamp, 'details': { 'rating': { 'context': {}, 'rating': TrackRating(str(rating)).name } }, 'eventId': event_id, 'trackId': track, }
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class BrowseStationCategories(MobileClientCall): """Get a listing of station categories from the browse stations tab. Attributes: endpoint: ``browse/stationcategories`` method: ``GET`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.BrowseStationCategoriesSchema` """ endpoint = 'browse/stationcategories' method = 'GET'
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class BrowseStations(MobileClientCall): """Get a listing of stations by category from browse tab. Parameters: station_category_id (str): A station category ID as found in :class:`BrowseStationCategories` response. Attributes: endpoint: ``browse/stations`` method: ``GET`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.BrowseStationsSchema` """ endpoint = 'browse/stations' method = 'GET' station_category_id = attrib() def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() self._url += f"/{self.station_category_id}"
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class BrowseTopChart(MobileClientCall): """Get a listing of the default top charts. Attributes: endpoint: ``browse/topchart`` method: ``GET`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.BrowseTopChartSchema` """ endpoint = 'browse/topchart' method = 'GET'
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class BrowseTopChartForGenre(MobileClientCall): """Get a listing of top charts for a top chart genre. Parameters: genre_id (str): A top chart genre ID as found in :class:`BrowseTopChartGenres` response. Attributes: endpoint: ``browse/topchartforgenres`` method: ``GET`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.BrowseTopChartSchema` """ endpoint = 'browse/topchartforgenre' method = 'GET' genre_id = attrib() def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() self._url += f'/{self.genre_id}'
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class BrowseTopChartGenres(MobileClientCall): """Get a listing of genres from the browse top charts tab. Attributes: endpoint: ``browse/topchartgenres`` method: ``GET`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.BrowseTopChartGenresSchema` """ endpoint = 'browse/topchartgenres' method = 'GET'
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class Config(MobileClientCall): """Get a listing of mobile client configuration settings. Attributes: endpoint: ``config`` method: ``GET`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.ConfigListSchema` """ endpoint = 'config' method = 'GET'
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class DeviceManagementInfo(MobileClientCall): """Get a listing of devices registered to a Google Music account. Attributes: endpoint: ``devicemanagementinfo`` method: ``GET`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.UserClientIDListSchema` """ endpoint = 'devicemanagementinfo' method = 'GET'
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class DeviceManagementInfoDelete(DeviceManagementInfo): """Delete a registered device. Parameters: device_id (str): A device ID as found in :class:`DeviceManagementInfo` response. Attributes: endpoint: ``devicemanagementinfo`` method: ``DELETE`` """ method = 'DELETE' device_id = attrib() def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() self._params.update( {'delete-id': self.device_id} )
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class EphemeralTop(MobileClientFeedCall): """Get a listing of 'Thumbs Up' store tracks. Note: 'Thumbs Up' library tracks are handled client-side. Use the :class:`TrackFeed` call to find library tracks with a ``'rating'`` of 5. Note: The track list is paged. Getting all tracks will require looping through all pages. Parameters: max_results (int, Optional): The maximum number of results on returned page. Default: ``1000`` start_token (str, Optional): The token of the page to return. Default: Not sent to get first page. updated_min (int, Optional): List changes since the given Unix epoch time in microseconds. Attributes: endpoint: ``ephemeral/top`` method: ``POST`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.EphemeralTopSchema` """ endpoint = 'ephemeral/top' max_results = attrib(default=1000) start_token = attrib(default=None) updated_min = attrib(default=None)
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class ExploreGenres(MobileClientCall): """Get a listing of track genres. Parameters: parent_genre_id (str, Optional): A genre ID. If given, a listing of this genre's sub-genres is returned. Attributes: endpoint: ``explore/genres`` method: ``GET`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.GenreListSchema` """ endpoint = 'explore/genres' method = 'GET' parent_genre_id = attrib(default=None) def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() if self.parent_genre_id is not None: self._params.update( {'parent-genre-id': self.parent_genre_id} )
# TODO: 'tabs' param? # ExploreTabsSchema @attrs(slots=True) class ExploreTabs(MobileClientCall): endpoint = 'explore/tabs' method = 'GET' genre_id = attrib(default=None) num_items = attrib(default=100) def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() self._params.update( {'num-items': self.num_items} ) if self.genre_id is not None: self._params.update(genre=self.genre_id)
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class FetchAlbum(MobileClientFetchCall): """Get information about an album. Parameters: album_id (str): The album ID to look up. include_description (bool, Optional): Include description of the album in the response. Default: ``True`` include_tracks (bool, Optional): Include tracks from the album in the response. Default: ``True`` Attributes: endpoint: ``fetchalbum`` method: ``GET`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.AlbumSchema` """ endpoint = 'fetchalbum' album_id = attrib() include_description = attrib(default=True) include_tracks = attrib(default=True) def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__(self.album_id) include_tracks = self.include_tracks if self.include_tracks else None self._params.update( { 'include-description': self.include_description, 'include-tracks': include_tracks, } )
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class FetchArtist(MobileClientFetchCall): """Get information about an artist. Parameters: artist_id (str): The artist ID to look up. include_albums (bool, Optional): Include albums from the artist in the response. Default: ``True`` num_related_artists (int, Optional): The maximum number of related artists to include in the response. Default: ``5`` num_top_tracks (int, Optional): The maximum number of top tracks to include in the response. Default: ``5`` Attributes: endpoint: ``fetchartist`` method: ``GET`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.ArtistSchema` """ endpoint = 'fetchartist' artist_id = attrib() include_albums = attrib(default=True) num_related_artists = attrib(default=5) num_top_tracks = attrib(default=5) def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__(self.artist_id) self._params.update( { 'include-albums': self.include_albums, 'num-related_artists': self.num_related_artists, 'num-top-tracks': self.num_top_tracks, } )
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class FetchTrack(MobileClientFetchCall): """Get information about a track. Parameters: track_id (str): A track ID to look up. Attributes: endpoint: ``fetchtrack`` method: ``GET`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.StoreTrackSchema` """ endpoint = 'fetchtrack' track_id = attrib() def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__(self.track_id)
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class IsPlaylistShared(MobileClientCall): """Check if a playlist is shared. Parameters: playlist_id (str): A playlist ID. Attributes: endpoint: ``isplaylistshared`` method: ``GET`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.IsPlaylistSharedSchema` """ endpoint = 'isplaylistshared' method = 'GET' playlist_id = attrib() def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() self._params.update(id=self.playlist_id)
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class ListenNowGetDismissedItems(MobileClientCall): """Get a listing of items dismissed from Listen Now tab. Attributes: endpoint: ``listennow/get_dismissed_items`` method: ``GET`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.ListenNowDismissedItemsSchema` """ endpoint = 'listennow/get_dismissed_items' method = 'GET'
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class ListenNowGetListenNowItems(MobileClientCall): """Get a listing of Listen Now items. Note: This does not include situations; use :class:`ListenNowSituations` to get situations. Attributes: endpoint: ``listennow/getlistennowitems`` method: ``GET`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.ListenNowItemListSchema` """ endpoint = 'listennow/getlistennowitems' method = 'GET'
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class ListenNowSituations(MobileClientCall): """Get a listing of Listen Now situations. Parameters: tz_offset (int, Optional): A time zone offset from UTC in seconds. Default is automatic detection. Attributes: endpoint: ``listennow/situations`` method: ``POST`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.ListenNowSituationListSchema` """ endpoint = 'listennow/situations' method = 'POST' tz_offset = attrib(default=None) def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() if self.tz_offset is None: self.tz_offset = ( calendar.timegm(time.localtime()) - calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()) ) self._data.update({'requestSignals': {'timeZoneOffsetSecs': self.tz_offset}})
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class PlaylistBatch(MobileClientBatchCall): """Create, delete, and edit playlists. Use :meth:`create` to build playlist creation mutation dicts. Use :meth:`delete` to build playlist delete mutation dicts. Use :meth:`edit` to build playlist edit mutation dicts. Parameters: mutations (list or dict): A list of mutation dicts or a single mutation dict. Attributes: endpoint: ``playlistbatch`` method: ``POST`` """ endpoint = 'playlistbatch'
[docs] @staticmethod def create( name, description, type_, *, owner_name=None, share_state=None, share_token=None ): """Build a playlist create event. Parameters: name (str): Name to give the playlist. description (str): Description to give the playlist. type_ (str): ``'SHARED'`` if subscribing to a public playlist, ``'USER_GENERATED'`` if creating a playlist. share_state (str, Optional): ``'PUBLIC'`` to share the created playlist, ``'PRIVATE'`` otherwise. owner_name (str, Optional): Owner name when susbcribing to a playlist. share_token (str, Optional): The share token of a shared playlist to subscribe to. Returns: dict: A mutation dict. """ timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000000) mutation = { 'create': { 'creationTimestamp': timestamp, 'deleted': False, 'description': description, 'lastModifiedTimestamp': timestamp, 'name': name, 'type': type_, } } if owner_name is not None: mutation['create']['ownerName'] = owner_name if share_state is not None: mutation['create']['shareState'] = share_state if share_token is not None: mutation['create']['shareToken'] = share_token return mutation
[docs] @staticmethod def delete(playlist_id): """Build a playlist delete event. Parameters: playlist_id (str): A playlist ID. Returns: dict: A mutation dict. """ return {'delete': playlist_id}
[docs] @staticmethod def edit(playlist_id, name, description, share_state): """Build a playlist edit event. Parameters: playlist_id (str): A playlist ID. name (str): Name to give the playlist. description (str): Description to give the playlist. share_state (str): ``'PUBLIC'`` to share the playlist, ``'PRIVATE'`` otherwise. Returns: dict: A mutation dict. """ return { 'update': { 'description': description, 'id': playlist_id, 'name': name, 'shareState': share_state, } }
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class PlaylistEntriesBatch(MobileClientBatchCall): """Create, delete, and edit playlist entries. Use :meth:`create` to build playlist entry creation mutation dicts. Use :meth:`delete` to build playlist entry delete mutation dicts. Use :meth:`update` to build playlist entry update mutation dicts. Parameters: mutations (list or dict): A list of mutation dicts or a single mutation dict. Attributes: endpoint: ``plentriesbatch`` method: ``POST`` """ endpoint = 'plentriesbatch'
[docs] @staticmethod def create( track_id, playlist_id, *, playlist_entry_id=None, preceding_entry_id=None, following_entry_id=None ): """Build a playlist entry create event. Parameters: track_id (str): A track ID. playlist_id (str): A playlist ID. playlist_entry_id (str, Optional): A playlist entry ID to assign to the created entry. Default: Automatically generated. preceding_entry_id (str, Optional): The playlist entry ID that should precede the added track. ``None`` if entry is to be in first position. Default: ``None`` following_entry_id (str, Optional): The playlist entry ID that should follow the added track. ``None`` if entry is to be in last position. Default: ``None`` Returns: dict: A mutation dict. """ mutation = { 'create': { 'clientId': playlist_entry_id or str(uuid.uuid4()), 'creationTimestamp': '-1', 'deleted': False, 'lastModifiedTimestamp': '0', 'playlistId': playlist_id, 'source': 2 if track_id.startswith('T') else 1, 'trackId': track_id, } } if preceding_entry_id is not None: mutation['create']['precedingEntryId'] = preceding_entry_id if following_entry_id is not None: mutation['create']['followingEntryId'] = following_entry_id return mutation
[docs] @staticmethod def delete(playlist_entry_id): """Build a playlist entry delete event. Parameters: playlist_entry_id (str): A playlist entry ID. Returns: dict: A mutation dict. """ return {'delete': playlist_entry_id}
[docs] @staticmethod def update( playlist_entry, *, preceding_entry_id=None, following_entry_id=None ): """Build a playlist entry update event. Parameters: playlist_id (str): A playlist ID. preceding_entry_id (str, Optional): The playlist entry ID that should precede the added track. ``None`` if entry is to be in first position. Default: ``None`` following_entry_id (str, Optional): The playlist entry ID that should follow the added track. ``None`` if entry is to be in last position. Default: ``None`` Returns: dict: A mutation dict. """ keys = { 'clientId', 'deleted', 'id', 'lastModifiedTimestamp', 'playlistId', 'source', 'trackId', } entry = { k: v for k, v in playlist_entry.items() if k in keys } entry['creationTimestamp'] = -1 if preceding_entry_id is not None: entry['precedingEntryId'] = preceding_entry_id if following_entry_id is not None: entry['followingEntryId'] = following_entry_id mutation = {'update': entry} return mutation
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class PlaylistEntriesShared(MobileClientCall): """Get a listing of shared playlist entries. Note: The shared playlist entries list is paged. Getting all shared playlist entries will require looping through all pages. Parameters: max_results (int, Optional): The maximum number of results on returned page. Default: ``250`` start_token (str, Optional): The token of the page to return. Default: Not sent to get first page. updated_min (int, Optional): List changes since the given Unix epoch time in microseconds. Default lists all changes. Attributes: endpoint: ``plentries/shared`` method: ``POST`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.SharedPlaylistEntryListSchema` """ endpoint = 'plentries/shared' method = 'POST' share_tokens = attrib() max_results = attrib(default=250) start_token = attrib(default=None) updated_min = attrib(default=0) def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() if not isinstance(self.share_tokens, list): self.share_tokens = [self.share_tokens] self._data = {'entries': []} # TODO: includeDeleted. for share_token in self.share_tokens: self._data['entries'].append( { 'maxResults': self.max_results, 'shareToken': share_token, 'startToken': self.start_token, 'updatedMin': self.updated_min, } )
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class PlaylistEntryFeed(MobileClientFeedCall): """Get a listing of user playlist entries. Note: The playlist entry list is paged. Getting all playlist entries will require looping through all pages. Parameters: max_results (int, Optional): The maximum number of results on returned page. Default: ``250`` start_token (str, Optional): The token of the page to return. Default: Not sent to get first page. updated_min (int, Optional): List changes since the given Unix epoch time in microseconds. Default lists all changes. Attributes: endpoint: ``plentryfeed`` method: ``POST`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.PlaylistEntryListSchema` """ endpoint = 'plentryfeed' max_results = attrib(default=250) start_token = attrib(default=None) updated_min = attrib(default=-1)
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class PlaylistFeed(MobileClientFeedCall): """Get a listing of library playlists. Note: The playlist list is paged. Getting all playlists will require looping through all pages. Parameters: max_results (int, Optional): The maximum number of results on returned page. Default: ``250`` start_token (str, Optional): The token of the page to return. Default: Not sent to get first page. updated_min (int, Optional): List changes since the given Unix epoch time in microseconds. Default lists all changes. Attributes: endpoint: ``playlistfeed`` method: ``POST`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.PlaylistListSchema` """ endpoint = 'playlistfeed' max_results = attrib(default=250) start_token = attrib(default=None) updated_min = attrib(default=-1)
# TODO: Explore params
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class Playlists(MobileClientCall): """Get a listing of library playlists. Attributes: endpoint: ``playlists`` method: ``GET`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.PlaylistListSchema` """ method = 'GET' endpoint = 'playlists'
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class PlaylistsCreate(Playlists): """Create a playlist. Parameters: name (str): Name to give the playlist. description (str): Description to give the playlist. public (bool): If ``True`` and account has a subscription, make playlist public. Default: ``False`` Attributes: endpoint: ``playlists`` method: ``POST`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.PlaylistSchema` """ method = 'POST' name = attrib() description = attrib() public = attrib(default=False) def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000000) self._data.update( { 'creationTimestamp': timestamp, 'deleted': False, 'description': self.description, 'lastModifiedTimestamp': timestamp, 'name':, 'shareState': 'PUBLIC' if self.public else 'PRIVATE', 'type': 'USER_GENERATED', } )
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class PlaylistsDelete(Playlists): """Delete a playlist. Parameters: playlist_id (str): A playlist ID. Attributes: endpoint: ``playlists`` method: ``DELETE`` """ method = 'DELETE' playlist_id = attrib() def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() self._url += f'/{self.playlist_id}'
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class PlaylistsUpdate(Playlists): """Edit a playlist. Attributes: endpoint: ``playlists`` method: ``PUT`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.PlaylistSchema` """ method = 'PUT' playlist_id = attrib() name = attrib() description = attrib() public = attrib(default=False) def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() self._url += f'/{self.playlist_id}' timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000000) self._data.update( { 'creationTimestamp': timestamp, 'deleted': False, 'description': self.description, 'lastModifiedTimestamp': timestamp, 'name':, 'shareState': 'PUBLIC' if self.public else 'PRIVATE', 'type': 'USER_GENERATED', } )
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class PodcastBrowse(MobileClientCall): """Get a listing of podcasts from Podcasts browse tab. Parameters: podcast_genre_id (str, Optional): A podcast genre ID as found in :class:`PodcastBrowseHierarchy`. Default: ``'JZCpodcasttopchartall'`` Attributes: endpoint: ``podcast/browse`` method: ``GET`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.PodcastBrowseSchema` """ endpoint = 'podcast/browse' method = 'GET' podcast_genre_id = attrib(default='JZCpodcasttopchartall') def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() self._params.update(id=self.podcast_genre_id)
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class PodcastBrowseHierarchy(MobileClientCall): """Get a listing of genres from Podcasts browse tab dropdown. Attributes: endpoint: ``podcast/browsehierarchy`` method: ``GET`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.PodcastBrowseHierarchySchema` """ endpoint = 'podcast/browsehierarchy' method = 'GET'
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class PodcastEpisode(MobileClientCall): """Retrieve list of episodes from user-subscribed podcast series. Note: The podcast episode list is paged. Getting all podcast episodes will require looping through all pages. Parameters: device_id (str): A mobile device ID. max_results (int, Optional): The maximum number of results on returned page. Default: ``250`` start_token (str, Optional): The token of the page to return. Default: Not sent to get first page. updated_min (int, Optional): List changes since the given Unix epoch time in microseconds. Default lists all changes. Attributes: endpoint: ``podcastepisode`` method: ``GET`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.PodcastEpisodeListSchema` """ endpoint = 'podcastepisode' method = 'GET' device_id = attrib(default=None) max_results = attrib(default=250) start_token = attrib(default=None) updated_min = attrib(default=-1) def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() if self.device_id: self._headers.update({'X-Device-ID': self.device_id}) self._params.update( { 'max-results': self.max_results, 'start-token': self.start_token, 'updated-min': self.updated_min, } )
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class PodcastEpisodeStreamURL(MobileClientStreamCall): """Get a URL to stream a podcast episode. Parameters: podcast_episode_id (str): A podcast episode ID. device_id (str): A mobile device ID. quality (str, Optional): Stream quality is one of: - ``'hi'`` (320Kbps) - ``'med'`` (160Kbps) - ``'low'`` (128Kbps) Default: ``'hi'`` """ endpoint = 'fplay' podcast_episode_id = attrib() quality = attrib(default='hi') device_id = attrib(default=None) def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__( self.podcast_episode_id, quality=self.quality, device_id=self.device_id ) self._params['mjck'] = self.podcast_episode_id
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class PodcastFetchEpisode(MobileClientFetchCall): """Get information about a podcast episode. Parameters: podcast_episode_id (str): A podcast episode ID to look up. Attributes: endpoint: ``podcast/fetchepisode`` method: ``GET`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.PodcastEpisodeSchema` """ endpoint = 'podcast/fetchepisode' podcast_episode_id = attrib() def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__(self.podcast_episode_id)
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class PodcastFetchSeries(MobileClientFetchCall): """Get information about a podcast series. Parameters: podcast_series_id (str): A podcast series ID to look up. Attributes: endpoint: ``podcast/fetchseries`` method: ``GET`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.PodcastSeriesSchema` """ endpoint = 'podcast/fetchseries' podcast_series_id = attrib() max_episodes = attrib(default=50) def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__(self.podcast_series_id) self._params.update(num=self.max_episodes)
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class PodcastSeries(MobileClientCall): """Retrieve list of user-subscribed podcast series. Note: The podcast series list is paged. Getting all podcast series will require looping through all pages. Parameters: device_id (str): A mobile device ID. max_results (int, Optional): The maximum number of results on returned page. Default: ``250`` start_token (str, Optional): The token of the page to return. Default: Not sent to get first page. updated_min (int, Optional): List changes since the given Unix epoch time in microseconds. Default lists all changes. Attributes: endpoint: ``podcastseries`` method: ``GET`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.PodcastSeriesListSchema` """ endpoint = 'podcastseries' method = 'GET' device_id = attrib(default=None) max_results = attrib(default=250) start_token = attrib(default=None) updated_min = attrib(default=-1) def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() if self.device_id: self._headers.update( {'X-Device-ID': self.device_id} ) self._params.update( { 'max-results': self.max_results, 'start-token': self.start_token, 'updated-min': self.updated_min, } )
# TODO: Implement.
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class PodcastSeriesBatchMutate(MobileClientBatchCall): """ Attributes: endpoint: ``podcastseries/batchmutate`` method: ``POST`` """ endpoint = 'podcastseries/batchmutate' @staticmethod def add(): pass @staticmethod def delete(): pass
# TODO: **kwargs with attrs.
[docs]@attrs(slots=True, init=False) class Query(MobileClientCall): """Search Google Music. Parameters: query (str): Search text. max_results (int, Optional): Maximum number of results per type to retrieve. Google only acepts values up to 100. Default: ``100`` kwargs (bool, Optional): Any of: - ``albums`` - ``artists`` - ``genres`` - ``playlists``, - ``podcasts`` - ``situations`` - ``songs`` - ``stations`` - ``videos`` set to ``True`` will include that result type in the response. Setting none of them will include all result types in the response. Attributes: endpoint: ``query`` method: ``GET`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.SearchResponseSchema` """ endpoint = 'query' method = 'GET' def __init__(self, query, *, max_results=100, **kwargs): super().__init__() if not kwargs: query_types = ','.join( type_.value for type_ in QueryResultType ) else: # Make type names singular for enum lookup. query_types = ','.join( QueryResultType[type_[:-1]].value for type_ in kwargs ) self._params.update( { 'ct': query_types, 'ic': True, # Setting to False or not including this returns old format which stopped including playlists. 'max-results': max_results, 'q': query, } )
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class QuerySuggestion(MobileClientCall): """Get a search suggestion. Parameters: query (str): Search text. """ endpoint = 'querysuggestion' method = 'POST' query = attrib() def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() self._data.update({'query': self.query})
# TODO: Implement. @attrs(slots=True) class RadioEditStation(MobileClientBatchCall): endpoint = 'radio/editstation' @staticmethod def add(): pass @staticmethod def delete(station_id): return {'delete': station_id} @staticmethod def get(): pass
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class RadioStation(MobileClientFeedCall): """Generate a listing of stations. Note: The station list is paged. Getting all stations will require looping through all pages. Parameters: max_results (int, Optional): The maximum number of results on returned page. Default: ``250`` start_token (str, Optional): The token of the page to return. Default: Not sent to get first page. updated_min (int, Optional): List changes since the given Unix epoch time in microseconds. Default lists all changes. Attributes: endpoint: ``radio/station`` method: ``POST`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.RadioListSchema` """ endpoint = 'radio/station' max_results = attrib(default=250) start_token = attrib(default=None) updated_min = attrib(default=-1)
# TODO: rz=sc/dl param? # TODO: libraryContentOnly/recentlyPlayed with no stations? # TODO: Make sure all uses of this endpoint are covered. # TODO: Instant mixes/shuffle.
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class RadioStationFeed(MobileClientCall): """Generate stations and get tracks from station(s). Parameters: station_infos (list): A list of station dicts containing keys: - ``'station_id'`` or ``'seed'`` - ``'num_entries'`` - ``'library_content_only'`` - ``'recently_played'`` ``station_id`` is a station ID. ``'seed'`` is a dict containing a seed ID and seed type (``'seedType'``). See :data:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.types.StationSeedType` for seed type values. A seed ID can be: - ``artistId`` - ``albumId`` - ``genreId`` - ``trackId`` (store track) - ``trackLockerId`` (library track) ``num_entries`` is the maximum number of tracks to return from the station. ``library_content_only`` when True limits the station to library tracks. Default: ``False`` ``recently_played`` is a list of dicts in the form of {'id': '', 'type'} where ``id`` is a track ID and ``type`` is 0 for a library track and 1 for a store track. num_entries (int): The total number of tracks to return. Default: ``25`` num_stations (int): The number of stations to return when no station_infos is provided. Default: ``4`` Attributes: endpoint: ``radio/stationfeed`` method: ``POST`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.RadioFeedSchema` """ endpoint = 'radio/stationfeed' method = 'POST' station_infos = attrib(default=None) num_entries = attrib(default=25) num_stations = attrib(default=4) # Recently played is list of {'id': , 'type': }. # Type 0 is library, 1 is store. def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() self._data.update( { 'contentFilter': 1, 'stations': [], } ) if self.station_infos is None: self._data.update( mixes={ 'numEntries': self.num_entries, 'numSeeds': self.num_stations, } ) else: for station_info in self.station_infos: if ( 'station_id' in station_info and station_info['station_id'] == 'IFL' ): del station_info['station_id'] station_info['seed'] = {'seedType': 6} if 'station_id' in station_info: self._data['stations'].append( { 'libraryContentOnly': station_info.get( 'libraryContentOnly', False ), 'numEntries': station_info.get('num_entries', 25), 'radioId': station_info['station_id'], 'recentlyPlayed': station_info.get('recently_played', []), } ) elif 'seed' in station_info: self._data['stations'].append( { 'libraryContentOnly': station_info.get( 'library_content_only', False ), 'numEntries': station_info.get('num_entries', 25), 'seed': station_info['seed'], 'recentlyPlayed': station_info.get('recently_played', []), } )
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class RadioStationTrackStreamURL(MobileClientStreamCall): """Get a URL to stream a station track with a free account. Note: Subscribed accounts should use :class:`TrackStreamURL`. Unlike the other stream calls, this returns JSON with a 'url' key, not the location in headers. Parameters: track_id (str): A station track ID. wentry_id (str): The ``wentryid`` from a station track dict. session_token (str): The ``sessionToken`` from a :class:`RadioStationFeed` response. quality (str, Optional): Stream quality is one of: - ``'hi'`` (320Kbps) - ``'med'`` (160Kbps) - ``'low'`` (128Kbps) Default: ``'hi'`` device_id (str): A mobile device ID. """ endpoint = 'wplay' track_id = attrib() wentry_id = attrib() session_token = attrib() quality = attrib(default='hi') device_id = attrib(default=None) def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__( self.track_id, quality=self.quality, device_id=self.device_id ) del self._headers['X-Device-ID'] self._params['sesstok'] = self.session_token self._params['wentryid'] = self.wentry_id if self.track_id.startswith('T'): self._params['mjck'] = self.track_id else: self._params['songid'] = self.track_id
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class TrackBatch(MobileClientBatchCall): """Add, delete, and edit library tracks. Note: This previously supported editing most metadata. It now only supports changing ``rating``. However, changing the rating should be done with :class:`ActivityRecordRealtime` and :meth:`ActivityRecordRealtime.rate` instead. Use :meth:`add` to build track add mutation dicts. Use :meth:`delete` to build track delete mutation dicts. Use :meth:`edit` to build track edit mutation dicts. Parameters: mutations (list or dict): A list of mutation dicts or a single mutation dict. Attributes: endpoint: ``trackbatch`` method: ``POST`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.TrackBatchSchema` """ endpoint = 'trackbatch'
[docs] @staticmethod def add(store_track): """Build a track add event. Parameters: store_track (dict): A store track dict. Returns: dict: A mutation dict. """ store_track['trackType'] = 8 return {'create': store_track}
[docs] @staticmethod def delete(track_id): """Build a track add event. Parameters: track_id (str): A track ID. Returns: dict: A mutation dict. """ return {'delete': track_id}
[docs] @staticmethod def edit(track): """Build a track edit event. Parameters: track (dict): A library track dict. Returns: dict: A mutation dict. """ return track
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class TrackFeed(MobileClientFeedCall): """Get a listing of library tracks. Note: The track list is paged. Getting all tracks will require looping through all pages. Parameters: max_results (int, Optional): The maximum number of results on returned page. Default: ``250`` start_token (str, Optional): The token of the page to return. Default: Not sent to get first page. updated_min (int, Optional): List changes since the given Unix epoch time in microseconds. Default lists all changes. Attributes: endpoint: ``trackfeed`` method: ``POST`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.TrackListSchema` """ endpoint = 'trackfeed' max_results = attrib(default=250) start_token = attrib(default=None) updated_min = attrib(default=-1)
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class Tracks(MobileClientCall): """Get a listing of library tracks. Note: The track list is paged. Getting all tracks will require looping through all pages. Parameters: max_results (int, Optional): The maximum number of results on returned page. Max allowed is ``49995``. Default: ``1000`` start_token (str, Optional): The token of the page to return. Default: ``None`` to get first page. updated_min (int, Optional): List changes since the given Unix epoch time in microseconds. Default lists all changes. Attributes: endpoint: ``tracks`` method: ``GET`` schema: :class:`~google_music_proto.mobileclient.schemas.TrackListSchema` """ endpoint = 'tracks' method = 'GET' max_results = attrib(default=1000) start_token = attrib(default=None) updated_min = attrib(default=-1) def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() if self.start_token is not None: self._params.update({'start-token': self.start_token}) self._params.update( { 'max-results': self.max_results, 'updated-min': self.updated_min, } )
[docs]@attrs(slots=True) class TrackStreamURL(MobileClientStreamCall): """Get a URL to stream a track. Parameters: device_id (str): A mobile device ID. track_id (str): A library or store track ID. A Google Music subscription is required to stream store tracks. quality (str, Optional): Stream quality is one of: - ``'hi'`` (320Kbps) - ``'med'`` (160Kbps) - ``'low'`` (128Kbps) Default: ``'hi'`` """ endpoint = 'mplay' track_id = attrib() quality = attrib(default='hi') device_id = attrib(default=None) def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__( self.track_id, quality=self.quality, device_id=self.device_id ) if self.track_id.startswith(('T', 'D')): self._params['mjck'] = self.track_id else: self._params['songid'] = self.track_id